Visit & Events

Vauban MusicalesVignes EricaPapillion 15juil2022 063

Throughout the year we look forward to your visit!
Here we inform you about what you can expect and about upcoming events.


Jeudi 18 - 19h00 - 23h00 |  SOIRÉE BAR À VIN  – Live music
Tib'M - Une voix groovy, généreuse et envoûtante
Entrée gratuite - Black Thaï Food-Truck - Réservation souhaitée


Vendredi 10 - 20h30 | CONCERT CLASSIQUE 
Festival de Musique de Chambre Européen 🎻🎹
Le Classicisme Viennois (Mozart-Schubert-v. Beethoven)

Entrée 25€ (Étudiants 20€, moins de 12 ans gratuit) - Restauration sur place -Réservation souhaitée

Samedi 11 - 20h30 | CONCERT CLASSIQUE 
Festival de Musique de Chambre Européen 🎻🎹
Allemagne et Pologne Romantique (Chopin-Schumann-Brahms)

Entrée 25€ (Étudiants 20€, moins de 12 ans gratuit) - Restauration sur place -Réservation souhaitée 

Dimanche 12 - 17h00 | CONCERT CLASSIQUE 
Festival de Musique de Chambre Européen 🎻🎹
Impression d'Espagne (de Falla-Piazzola-Sarasate-Turina)

Entrée 25€ (Étudiants 20€, moins de 12 ans gratuit) - Restauration sur place -Réservation souhaitée

Jeudi 30 - 19h00 - 23h00 |  SOIRÉE VERNISSAGE & BAR À VIN – Live Music 🥂 
Vernissage « Art&Vin 2024 » avec la présence de la peintre Bernadette « Berna » Van Baarsen 🎨
14 Records Label - Élégance et délicatesse - Variété Française/Anglaise et Pop Urbaine 🎤🎸

Entrée gratuite - Black Thaï Food-Truck - Réservation souhaitée

Jeudi 13 - 19h00 - 23h00 | SOIRÉE BAR À VIN – Live music 
El Colectivo - Musique Latine Accoustique Endiablée 🎺🪘
Entrée gratuite - El Jacko's Tacos and Black Thaï Foodtruck - Réservation souhaitée


Samedi 6 I  Mariage 💍
Chai ouvert aux dégustations

Samedi 13 - 19h30* | CONCERT CLASSIQUE - Festival Gloriana  
Alexandra Sostmann Récital de Piano 🎹 J.S. Bach ; Le Clavecin bien tempéré, Vol.1

Entrée 30€, place libre - Réservation souhaitée - Restauration Food-Truck - *Ouverture des portes 19h30 - Concert à 21h

Mardi 16 - 19h00* I CONCERT JAZZ  - Festival Musicales dans les Vignes 
Markus Stockhausen Group featuring Nguyên Lê 🎺 🥁🎸 

Entrée 25€ - Enfants de moins de 12 ans gratuit - Restauration Food-Truck - *Ouverture des portes 19h & Concert à 20h30 

Jeudi 05 - 19h00 - 23h00 I SOIRÉE BAR À VIN – Live music 
Cannelle Band - Duo de reprises Folk/Soul/Pop/Funk/Rock 🎤🎸 
Entrée gratuite – Black Thaï Food-Truck - Réservation souhaitée

Vendredi 04 - 19h00 - 23h00 I CHEFS@FERAUD 
Dîner des Vendanges orchestré par Christian Bœuf, notre chef coup de cœur de la Bastide Magnans à Vidauban 👨‍🍳
Cadre musical presenté par Caroline Mayer 🎤
Apéritif, Menu accords mets & vins - Réservation obligatoire - Tarif tout compris 95€/ personne

Jeudi 17 - 19h00 - 23h00 I SOIRÉE BAR À VIN – Live music
Tiphanie Doucet  - Auteur-compositeur et multi-instrumentiste française 🎤🎹 Une voix captivante et groovy
Entrée gratuite – Black Thaï Food-Truck  - Réservation souhaitée



Tasting & Inspiration


Throughout the year we welcome you to visit our Caveau de Vente and to taste our wines in a modern and inspiring setting.

We are open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 6pm throughout the year. We are only closed for the two weeks around the year-end holidays.


Our "Sentier des Féraud" invites you to take a break and to take a stroll through our vineyards. The trail crosses a magnificent landscape, nicknamed "Little Africa". The walk takes about 1 hour. Explanatory signs about wine and nature all along the way will make it an enjoyable and interesting experience for the whole family. 

Cellar Visits 

Visits of the cellar can be organised by reservation via






Wine Bar

Vauban Féraud 21juil2022 03


Every month we offer you a relaxing evening in our Caveau de Vente - or during summer - on the terrace by the pool. Come and enjoy a good glass of wine, small snacks from the foodtruck, live-jazz, a welcoming and easy atmosphere and - why not - a good game of pétanque under the umbrella pines with friends and family. Our next events:

Thursday September 5: 7.00pm I Cannelle Band - Duo Soul & Funk
Thursday October 17: 7.00pm I Tiphanie Doucet - Charme et Sensualité 

Free admission - Reservation required via

Art & Vin

Berna Van Baarsen  Arômes


Wine has always had its place in art and has even inspired many painters, sculptors, musicians and writers.

This year you are invited to discover the works of Bernadette "Berna" Van Baarsen.

For Bernadette, the Provençal landscape is a constant source of inspiration. She paints the contrasts that emerge from the gentle or mysterious elements of this landscape and the feeling of the infinite solitude that emanates from its horizons. Her work focuses on rendering forms that, at first sight, seem to be part of everyday life, but which, in a more abstract representation, emerge and express serenity and tranquillity. In this way, an unremarkable landscape or a banal object, seen through the frame of a window, will develop an intensity and presence overlooked in everyday life. To this end, she plays with strong, contrasting colours, without hesitating to blend them to express all the nuances that nature provides.



Féraud Gourmand

christian boeuf chef bastide magnans


This season, we are looking forward to a great culinary moment at harvest time. 

Christian Bœuf, our favourite chef from the Bastide des Magnans - a stone's throw from our home in Vidauban - will treat us in October. With his team, we want to celebrate "thanksgiving". With all that this implies: a visit to the cellar, tastings of old vintages and fresh grape juice, and of course Christian's fantastic cuisine provençal. His kitchen expresses our region with lightness and finesse, his menus evolve with the terroir and its produce. 

Caroline Mayer will be providing musical accompaniment throughout the evening. With her voice and her band, she has already given us some magnificent open-air concerts in recent years. This time, she'll be bringing the year to a close. 

Friday 4 October: 7.00pm I Christian Bœuf - Bastide des Magnans - Dîner Thanksgiving 

All-inclusive price (cocktail, 3-course menu, wine...) 95€ / per person
Reservation required: or +33 (4) 94 73 03 12

Jazz & Wine

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JAzz @ FÉraud 

Jazz under the open sky and pine trees are among the most beautiful things we can offer you. 

This year, as part of the Les Musicales dans les Vignes festival, we present the Markus Stockhausen Group on July 16.

Markus Stockhausen; bugle & trumpet
Jeroen van Vliet; piano & synthesizer
Jörg Brinkmann; cello
Christian Thomé; drums 
featuring Nguyên Lê, electric guitar 

Markus Stockhausen is considered one of the world's most renowned and versatile trumpeters. Pushing musical boundaries with his unique trumpet sound, he's constantly searching for new possibilities of expression. Following an intensive collaboration with his father, Karlheinz Stockhausen, he has completed numerous projects with leading musicians and orchestras in Europe, and has released over 90 CDs. In 2021, he was awarded the German Jazz Prize as best brass player. 

The Markus Stockhausen Group has been playing in this formation since 2020. Joy of playing, masterly inspired improvisations, colorful compositions and electronic extensions enthuse with unprecedented sounds. They won the Echo Jazz award for their album "Far into the stars". Nguyên Lê is a star of the international jazz scene. Markus and Nguyên Lê have been playing together regularly since the 90s. They will be performing tracks from their brand-new double album "Celebration". Look forward to listening to 5 thoroughbred musicians, to magical moments under our pine trees and to a unique jazz experience. 

Saturday, July 16, 7:00 pm**: The Markus Stockhausen Group 🎺 featuring Nguyen Lê 🎸 
**Tasting / catering (food truck) from 7:00 pm - concert around 8:30 pm.
Ticket price: €30; free seating; booking recommended. or +33 (4) 94 73 03 12


Classical Music



On 13 July, great classical music will be our guests as part of the Gloriana Festival. We are looking forward to a wonderful piano recital under the open sky with Alexandra Sostmann.

On the programme : Johann Sebastian Bach: The Well-Tempered Clavier Part 1 (BWV 846-869) 

Alexandra Sostmann studied at the Hochschule für Musik in Hamburg with Volker Banfield and the renowned Bach interpreter Evgeni Koroliov as well as at the Royal College of Music in London with Peter Katin, at the Mozarteum in Salzburg and at the École Normale de Musique Alfred Cortot in Paris. For many years, she belongs to the exclusive circle of Steinway Artists.

A "crystal-clear touch, almost sober, thoughtful and transparent, free of pathos but full of poetry" - this is how critics describe the piano playing of pianist Alexandra Sostmann. Whether as a soloist on the world's great concert stages or with her solo albums spanning different eras, she casts a spell over her listeners. Her latest recording, Bach's "The Well-Tempered Clavier", was released in November 2023. 

Enjoy the incredibly precise piano playing of Alexandra Sostmann: fresh, without an ounce of fat too much, beautifully complex and rich in colour. Great art!

Saturday 13 July 7.00pm**: Piano recital 🎹 Alexandra Sostmann 
**Tasting / Catering (food truck) from 7.30 p.m. - Concert approx. 9.00 p.m.
Ticket price: 30€ (students 25€); free seating; reservation recommended or +33 (4) 94 73 03 12



Do not hesitate to contact us to organise your event at our Domaine: weddings, seminars or any other private party or professional event...our Domaine is designed to welcome and celebrate your most beautiful moments.

Contact, quote and booking via

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